Apply for Bear and Elk Permits in May


Bear and Elk Application Process


Black bears are becoming more common and widespread across the southern half of Missouri. The Conservation Department has determined that the state’s bear population can sustain a limited and highly regulated harvest. This provides opportunity for Missourians to participate in the sustainable harvest of a valuable natural resource, while also allowing for the bear population to continue to grow. Additionally, as bear numbers continue to increase, hunting will serve as an essential component of black bear population management.


At least 10% of the permit quota will be awarded to approved resident landowners. To be eligible for the Resident Antlered Elk Hunting Permit(s) awarded to approved resident landowners, you must own 20 or more contiguous acres in Carter, Reynolds, or Shannon counties and an application must have been submitted to and have been approved by the department as described in 3 CSR 10-7.412 Landowner Application prior to applying for a Resident Antlered Elk Hunting Permit.